Daughters Rising empowers at-risk girls to end trafficking and exploitation in their communities and break the cycle of poverty
OUR MODEL: Employment + Education = Empowerment
We believe that collaboration and long-lasting relationships that respect local culture are the best ways to enact meaningful change. We work with the most at-risk populations in Northern Thailand— ethnic minority women and refugees in underserved communities. We believe that by creating as many opportunities as possible for these women and girls, we can help them become strong leaders and advocates. For this reason, we take a multifaceted approach to our work— education, employment and outreach.
When women and girls are educated, know their rights, have self esteem, dignified employment OPPORTUNITIES AND EMOTIONAL SUPPORT, they ARE empowered to take their lives into their own hands.
There are more than 20 million slaves in the world today. According to the U.S. State Department, 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders every year, of which, 80% are female and half are children.
We started with the notion that if we really wanted to prevent trafficking of the most vulnerable victims in the poorest areas, we would need to instil change from the bottom up.